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Behind The People and Cyber-Words from HP

Updated on November 29, 2012

Behind the scenes Of a THRILLER movie; when Black is really Black

Let's straight things clear in here: we are here to make some money and have fun along the way. But what is the fuss about "this thing" regarding... hm, the so called addiction to HubPages? We are going to analyze the website in the first place

A website has to be:

  • Interactive
  • appealing
  • supportive
  • open to changes
  • Easy to work with


All seems fine, but if we look a little deeper we will pay more attention to the fonts and templates: The header is completely black, pretty similar to a twitter page account.

we don't notice more things but psychology of the colors is involved in here. Whenever you need to take an action like publishing or starting a new hub, unconsciously we are relating to a productive move, that means green => grow => positive move.

Blue was chosen for actions that require comments or timeline. This is a hidden calmed and cool color that leads you to keep yourself moving. Now if you see the Starbucks logo, just an example, you will notice that for one reason they chose deliberately that you remember that beer Heineken color?

The light blue of the frames don't take your attention from your moments of creativity. Ever sat in front of the open ocean reading the news, or a magazine? The concentration is perfect. Now if you want to feel on cloud nine you have to, you ought to choose white as a background; just common sense. Can you imagine an orange background... and then trying to write a poem or your best narrative on it? I will definitely suck.

How about grey? Buttons in grey are pretty much secondary links. Makes sense too.

The only time you will see a red tag will be behind the word Hub. Red through history meant sacrifice and and blood shed after an epic effort. In our mind we see a final product with the intense color display.


Believe it or not, websites have brought the attention of the well known Erudite in the social interactivity. Mark Zuckerberg had the idea and the Knack to build his own Empire. Now FaceBook has these catchy light blue colors. Did he ever know why he chose those colors? We guess he tried and learned from archaic pages that were catching his attention. But his idea grew as his dreams too. Now, just a quick example, do you see the top corner of your computer where you find FILE, EDIT, VIEW? Most likely will be embedded on a light pastel blue header.

Steve Jobs was also a psycho fanatic of colors. Back in the middle 90's, he chose and kept for a long time the green and light blue pastel for his I-Macs. Wanted people to look at them like a real Christmas present. If we go deeper into this psychological analysis, we found that the frame around your laptop or computer was chosen to be dark, but lately it can be white or pink for those early teen going on 30.

Back to Hubland. Why the addiction? Here is our own point of view, but you can add yours:

courtesy: Greg Burrus

So, what's next?

My fellow hubbers, fasten your seat belts of imagination and let yourself go down this carousel of vivid experiences. One more thing before we forget : If you have a pet, feed him first. I know is redundant but just pay attention.

If the laundry needs to be done...think about it; wouldn't be better to wait a few minutes and put the load on "dry" and then log in? If you are at the office, pray the site is not blocked. Some employers have banned this site as their filters see it as a blogger or in the category of social networking. If you have to pick up your kids after 3pm: be smart and set the alarm, Hubland can be so absorbing that you might forget about those simple things around you, even your hubby. "Sorry little bird, dad was busy writing..."


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