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What is Evil, And Why Won't Get You Nowhere...!

Updated on August 1, 2012

Evilness, so real and present in our everyday life that... at this very moment trying to stop us from publishing this very article. Funny enough!

It has been talked about for centuries. Wars have been fought because of unrighteousness, and people have left our planet for senseless misunderstandings and inhuman acts.

We are going to focus on its effect on us, the 'average Joe,' and the disastrous consequences by acting evil. Yesterday we read about Billybuc's story, and we felt compelled to write about evilness. We deeply felt the pain from those kids who died with no reasonable explanation. Seems that 'malignant spirits' are roaming this earth, rampant and unpunished.... apparently!

What is evil then?

According to the dictionary is the condition of being wicked without having remorse. A malignant feeling that needs to be fed, added to a despicable condition of profound immorality. How can we explain the unlawful need to keep hurting good souls? All boils down to a revolving clash of selfish energies, that cannot defeat those chosen souls for eternity. Our Bible explains with detail how evilness will meet its final hours at any minute.

Evilness is out there more than ever because sinister forces love to deceive and cause harm. Evil spirits or souls keep hunting recklessly the good people, knowing that the 'free ride' for this tainted deceivers will end, sooner than later.

Fourth Dimension, Parallel Universe and Ghosts

There are things that cannot be explained. Have we seen ghosts, or maybe lost souls? Sure we did. These 'negative energies' pass from person to person like demonic beings from the classic movies. They take over the weak mind and infuse that 'need' of becoming harmful to others. When we are talking about fourth dimension we are adding time to our three dimensional world. There are moments when we feel the presence of some forces; we just call it paranormal activity or ghosts. We can introduce in here the Guardian Angels from our early years or childhood.

But just think about it! Guardian Angel for us? Well, whenever you find a good soul, you will bump into the counterpart. Just close your eyes, and you will sense an unknown world. Some scientists added the idea of a parallel universe and its similarity with ours. We all have stories to tell every now and then. Why evilness is related to the night? Why some people kill and try to justify their actions? We all know what is right from wrong, but still live among deceptive minds.

Robespierre | Source

History -- You Reap What You Sow...

Evilness was around us since the beginning of civilization. We were bound to act with a wicked mind, because human meant imperfection and unfulfilled. However, for profound reasons, we still live among wickedness.

Just associate war and evil, and you will have to go back to Cain and Abel. We can name events like the fall of Rome, William the Conqueror at Hastings, Robespierre and his Regime of terror, Hitler after Valkyirie and Muammar Gaddafi's brutal ending.

We watch these events in our minds like in a sequential movie, and we witness the presence of that smile of death. Evildoers know they were wrong, but they get carried away with their own ill-fated wrongdoings.

Attacking the evil eye
Attacking the evil eye | Source

The Evil Eye

It's been said for thousand of years that the 'eyes are the windows to your soul.' Just shut your eyes again and try to think of something. You just caught up with those negative energies, that were out there rubbing the very essence of your existence; and if you got scared by closing your eyes, just check on things you did for the last few months. They were studying your every move, and getting soaked of your own behavior... to know your weak points. For every action, there will be a reaction. Just watch that cannonball being fired. The cannon will bounced back a few inches, no matter what. Going back to the evil eye:

If you check Charles Manson, this new sensation James Holmes, or Jerry Sanduski himself, you will have a glimpse of those wicked forces that are around us. Christians denounce the devil as a liar... and that Satan has his days already overdue on earth. Well, Mister evilness is getting hold of weak minds and lost souls, knowing that a big change is looming over the horizon.

Due to that penetrating look, evil people are the perfect actors, and without a doubt they can really deliver in front of you and Broadway. Not that all of them are evil, but Kristen Stewart did top the cake.


Evilness at HP?

Sure they are out there. We forgot to tell them that we have ways of tracking their very own acts (we did bring down the Big Ezine!). They are the ones that will vote you down, and mentally will tell to themselves, "who he/she think he/she is?" Or the understanding phrase, "I'm better than you!" They use others and 'convince' others that you, the good Hubber, are not supposed to be in here. Why do they do it? They just bit their own lips and we had a visual of their faces...

We don't worry, because we are not here for the money. Sadly, they have family (children) that don't know how wicked they are. One thing is for sure: getting people involved in their heartless and unethical game, will come back to haunt them. And we have Hubber friends that can attest and support what we are saying. Why do they do it? They better answer to themselves; we do not worry about them. Is life... and the show must go on!




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