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Single Mothers and Their Daily Struggle

Updated on May 8, 2013

This is an article-hub that looks for the best advice that we can come up with, by describing the worst social crisis since, hm, the Industrial Revolution.

This unending economic debacle has been among us since 2007, and has separated families and altered our own core values as a society. Just remember of the news from the past three months.


We highlight the first signs that made a couple to think about their relationship, and to make the hard decision to split up -- some still together, but hating their very own shadows.

The first sign was a financial distress: we needed more hours to keep up with our credit card onerous debt, and falling 'behind' with every other bill. The reason for us to get marry or move in with someone was to share moments and share a reason to be loved. How could you?... How have we been able to keep our family happy and our boss as well?


Unconsciously we looked for the better and if possibly, the best, why not? What I meant to say is... if you were having problems at home, at times YOU THOUGHT of not even making it home to hear your partner's whining about those stupid past due bills.

Your mind would've been looking for a way out...which could have been one of these moments: a chat room, a coworker that values you as a "person," or a hobby to get the stress out, meaning bowling, fishing, hunting... you name it!


This is it. The third sign is coming to knock your door to tell you that you are on your own. Your own self!

- Your 24/7 job will increase somehow

-No more husband/wife to help you around. Moments of cozy talking that have been taken for granted are slowly ending in a text message : Gtgo, ttyl, LMAO!

-Kids will resent the loss

-Money will be scarce; the other partner most probably will be paying another rent (?)

-Psychologically will be a deep blow to you and your kids.

-Sleep will be PUT OFF to catch up with the laundry, and HIS. Groceries and homework from school, will add to the pressure.

-Guiltiness, remorse, blaming probably God.

Now, if you have a mom or grandma around, you will get a break , but if you are on your will get burnt out.

Believe or not, kids will need counseling along the way. You know why? They will hardly trust anyone, as they did... before dad or mom left.

Best solutions in short time?

Join a chatline to speak your mind out and share it with someone. Is free and you just let the word out! That doesn't mean you have to give very personal information.

If you are lucky, join a Church that will help you with babysitting your kids, and some brothers and sisters that will help you move or go to see you kids in case you end up at the hospital. God forbid!

Where to find another person of quality for you and your future? Is hard, i'm telling you that! You know it, we know it. But here is the tip: Charity organizations, Churches again and... probably shopping around Walmart.

Your heart will know if you did find her/him. Not suggesting a trip to Florida; is too expensive and might end up in the heart of some hurricane. Chat lines are full of liars unless, again, you want to be heard and spend sometime after your kids went to bed.


Beware, just look in the eye of the beholder. Once they left, that meant they were free to do it again. Main reason that they came back to you?

He/she was dumped back to you due to his/her annoying snoring, that he/she stoically took in for granted and for the sake of love. A good sign to look for is: he/she is getting closer to your kids, even if you are out of the picture...for sometime. Love has been hurt, remember? Was his/her loss....that's what you said.


Actually being single is safer than looking for a troublemaker. If a guy is still single after certain time...either he is not good for relationships or he is a player; same thing on the female counterpart.

Single parents have to redefine priorities and goals. Remember, their scholarship might help if they make good grades; the driving lessons for them and all things involved in being a single parent. You have taken that extra load from life.


As I said before, look for a hobby or go back to school. Another thing that is rewarding..and believe me it happened to me, help others. Help the elderly. Is just a help from my heart. And we all get blessed at the end.


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