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ALIENS OR GODS--The Atlantis Connection

Updated on September 21, 2012

So many people try to find answers to this question. If we show some facts, you will make your own opinion. We can find traces that might suggest that for sure advanced civilizations roamed all over Planet earth. Let's see:


This civilization flourished 17,000 years ago. on the highlands near this Titicaca Lake, Bolivia. Their buildings suggest a good knowledge of Engineering and stone Technology . and they became famous for a Gate of the sun'. If you check this gate is has carved an stylized God, who curiously has a head resembling these Little men from area 54.


The picture above is a megalithic representation of a Gateway keeper or ancient Shaman. His head resembles a humanoid or some kind of super robot. The curious thing is that this carved stone is 9 feet tall and what is holding in both hands bring so much our attention, probably ceremonial vases or energy rods...just picture Harry Potter with a new Gadgetry. Tiahuanaco was built 12,000 feet above sea level. Somehow they knew about the cyclical deluges that happen every 15,000 years or so. Now the gateway of the sun is a polished structure that god knows how was placed in its actual location. It could weight 15 tons roughly


A series of immense geo-glyphs built, according to experts, around 400-650 A.D. located on a large plateau, 400 miles south from Lima-Peru. At first you are in awe and wonder, because some of their geometrical lines were traced with an outstanding precision. What was their purpose? The first answer slightly remind us of a galactic Airport. Trapezoidal areas are so well designed, that we cannot imagine other explanation. Rome fell in 454 A.D. an on this side of the world, called sometimes the new Tibet. Civilizations were dealing with astronomy and the skies. The only way to see these pieces of earthly art is from the sky. Actually local Tourist guides use small planes to give visitors a tour of their lifetime. Another explanation is that advanced pre-Inca cultures used this motifs for irrigation purposes, but here we come to a close conclusion. Wasn't enough to know astronomy and hydraulics to apply them to harvesting?p



Imagine you are an entrepreneur and a Scientist traveling all around the world. Suddenly you hear on the news that your country has disappeared; it actually has sunk. You are left with a brain and some concepts that you learned from your ancestors. The Author just happened to think about this...back to our writing.

Called Haab by the Mayans who's culture evolved on what is now Guatemala. Is an astronomical Calendar that divides the year in 18 months of 20 days each, adding five days of Wayeb or days of peril, because Mayans thought that on those five days hell and heavens will open loose and cause destruction and break havoc. Now all seems nice and well explained like in any wiki source. But the calendar starts on august 11, 3114 B.C. according to the Gregorian Calendar. Do you think our founder fathers were dealing with these numbers and math 5,000 years ago? Were there people intelligent enough to record events and even brush in our own eyes this December 21, 2012? Where were we in 3114 before Christ era? For us is an enigma and a fountain of inquisitive thoughts. One more thing: Time is based on a clever number, 60: sixty seconds, sixty minutes, and so on. Our 360 sixty degrees angle, that 'painstakingly we learned in Geometry', is based on a numerical system of 60 or properly called sexagesimal number system: 60x6=360. How come the calendar is a representation of all this crap( like kids would say). Now according to the Mayans, the world will not end in 2012. It will end a cycle, that they wish they were around to witness.



This was an example of places that survived time and space. Now how come Egypt has pyramids similar to the ones built in Tenochtitlan Mexico, Kalassasaya, Bolivia, Bosnia, Peru, Greece and most of them are 30-40 degrees in geographical latitude from the Equator. Is there a pattern that we don't know about?

A human body can barely top the 80-90 years of age. Like we said before... imagine being a Scientist that have advance knowledge of Math and Physics and suddenly you are lucky to survive a cataclysm. You end up on the beaches of Yucatan or Nazca or the Nile river 6000 years ago. You had an Alma matter and you had a way of seeing things. You didn't have time to save your flying e-car that you left in your garage... but you know at least that Energy was used to build it. Now you are faced with a new world and a bunch of Indians that consider you a God.

If they don't kill you, you start teaching things that for them was magic. But you are running out of time... you are over 40 and knew of your colleagues that are somewhere around the world. If you are in the hope of being rescue one day, chances are you will if just start living again with your new friends and followers.

So for the Author, Pyramids were a way to leave a message for the skies and for someone to see.


The author was there on November 2006. Located in Cuzco-Peru, 7960 feet above sea level. Is a city built from 1400 to 1460. The quarrels are on the higher slope of this mountain ridge plateau. You gotta be there to actually witness first hand these megalithic rocks that god knows how they were put in place. Terraces like the the Babylon hanging gardens were strategically harvested for their own consumption. Rediscovered by Hiram Bingham in 1991, Machu Picchu has also traces of that energy. Their God was called Inti, in Quechua Language, which is the Sun. There is an enigma in how they knew so much about stone engineering. Humongous rocks were polished intelligently, so they can fit as a block. If you ever go there... be sure to know this: You will have to climb a 12 floor man made staircase..just to enter the gates of the city. The intihuatana is a ceremonial site in the middle of all. Why is related to astronomical measurements? If you were an Indian back in 1460, why would you care about astronomy, when you didn't even think beyond the deer you caught and the Corn you cropped? Hello Indiana Jones! ready step up and go!


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